QMC-HAMM research group

Group members


Lucas Wagner

Multiscale quantum models

David Ceperley

Quantum Monte Carlo, High pressure hydrogen

Harley Johnson

Tight binding

Elif Ertekin

Uncertainty quantification

Ben Galewsky
Software and data engineer

Ben is helping with workflows and data publication.

Scott Jensen
Postdoctoral Associate

Hydrogen and 2D electron gas.

Tawfiqur Rakib
Postdoctoral Associate

Tawfiq is working on uncertainty quantification.

Kittithat (Mick) Krongchon
Graduate Student

Mick is working on van der Waals interactions in 2D systems.

Daniel (Dan) Palmer
Graduate Student

Dan is working on total energy tight binding models.

Doruk Uçar
Graduate Student

Doruk is working on uncertainty quantification.

Kevin Ly
Graduate Student

Kevin is working on learning hydrogen models.

Shubhang Goswani
Graduate Student

Shubhang is working on learning hydrogen models.

Sonali Joshi
Graduate Student

Sonalis is work on automated learning of quantum models from ab initio calculations.


Andriy Nevidomskyy

Correlated lattice models

Matthew Turk

yt, visualization

Yueqing Chang
Graduate Student

Learning emergent models from ab initio calculations. She graduated in 2022 and moved on to a postdoc at Rutgers.

Shivesh Pathak
Graduate Student

Learning emergent models from ab initio calculations. He graduated in 2021 and moved on to a postdoc at Sandia National Labs.